Home > Life Updates > Adoptionversary!


One year ago today, I picked up my kitty, Ayla, from the MSPCA. Two days earlier, we chose each other.  I was looking around, trying to decide on an adult cat.  Ayla was cute and timid.  She seemed sweet, but a bit overwhelmed.  I was trying to decide between her and another cat.  I opened her cage, and she timidly stuck her head forward and licked my hand.  My heart melted.  She’d chosen me.  Who could refuse that?

When I first brought her home. She was so tiny!

When I first brought her home. She was so tiny!

Although the first couple of days were interesting getting to know each other, she’s quickly become my furry best friend.  Ayla keeps me company at night.  She meows excitedly at the door when she hears me getting home.  She plays with me.  When I got the stomach flu, she put her paws up on the edge of the toilet and licked me while I was puking.  She snuggles me and purrs.  She’s the perfect, sweet, snuggly kitty-cat match for me, and I’m so glad we found each other.

Ayla now. She loves to steal my boxes.

Ayla now. She loves to steal my boxes.

  1. jpetroroy
    October 27, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    *big smile* YAY for kitties.

  2. Betty
    October 27, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    Congratulations on your and Ayla’s one year adoptionversary. You two look like a great match.

  3. October 28, 2010 at 7:10 am

    Aww she sounds like an incredible companion. Happy 1 year together. Also, you obviously need to order more books so that she has more boxes to play in!

    • October 28, 2010 at 7:56 am

      And *how* did you know that box contained books? Because it totally did. 😀
      Also, thanks! She is quite an awesome kitty.

      • October 28, 2010 at 9:38 am

        That amazon logo gave it all away 😉 What else would you ever buy there??? hehe

      • October 29, 2010 at 9:43 am

        Lol, good point! Silly Amazon logo giving me away. 🙂

  4. BB
    October 28, 2010 at 9:36 am

    So cute. Congratulations on your kittieversary!

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