
Posts Tagged ‘google+’

Friday Fun! (Things I Did This Week)

September 30, 2011 4 comments

Hello my lovely readers!  I’ve been up to quite a lot this week:

Like, I read a book for Amy’s Nigerian Independence Day reading project (post will be up later today).

I decided that I desperately need more money flowing into my bank account, so I found a part-time job at a local restaurant.  I already had my first shift and really enjoyed myself.

I went out for beers to watch the Sox with my downstairs neighbor. We will not discuss the outcome of the game. *coughs*

I discovered that there are free games on Google+!! And I found this amazeballs game called City of Wonder, which is kind of like SimCity, only you’re building a civilization, and you get to attack other civs.  It’s seriously good times.

I bought two pairs of jeans for the first time in like five years. I am now fit enough that they’re semi-comfortable and look cute!

I’ve been working my patootie off on Tova 2.  Hopefully the draft should be done by the end of this weekend.

Oh, and I co-wrote a guest post with my friend on her blog.  If you have any curiosity about the snarky librarian side of my life, feel free to check it out.

This weekend I’m going to Salem with my friend Sara, working a shift at the restaurant, hopefully bathing the cat (and not dying), doing some yoga, and just generally being my busy, awesome self. Happy weekends!