
Posts Tagged ‘lara croft’

Friday Fun! (Restaurant Work, Updates)

October 7, 2011 3 comments

Hello my lovely readers!  It’s been a crazy week on the blog with everything from the Nigerian Lit Reading/Reviewing Project to white trash zombies to a smack-down with a rude author. Phew!  And that was just one tiny part of my life, lol.

This was my first full week working my new part-time job at the restaurant.  Due to the new schedule, I can only do the gym 3 days a week instead of 5. I was worried this would lead to me losing ground on my get fit challenge, but that is clearly not to be the case.  My restaurant shifts involve running around like a chicken with my head cut off for anywhere from 4 to 6 hours, and if anything I’ve seen my metabolism increase from more expended energy.  And that’s just the regular shifts!  I’ve also had shifts involving “guerilla marketing” or what my co-worker calls “menu bombing.”  If you live in a city, you know what this entails.  Running around residential neighborhoods leaving menus in mailboxes, on porches, and on cars.  I had no idea how many steps are on Boston porches until I climbed them for two hours. Holy shit, Batman!  It was like getting paid to do the stairmaster.  (If you can’t tell, I’m happy about this).  I love my part-time job!  Plus they feed me dinner most shifts.  Since it’s a healthy restaurant, that means free healthy food, yay!

The classic fall New England weather is here, which means crisp air and frosty mornings.  Halloween decorations are up all over the city, and I clearly need to start work on figuring out my Halloween costume.  My co-worker last night suggested I could pull off being Lara Croft, and I absolutely LOVE the idea, so I’m thinking that may be it.  But shhh, don’t tell!

I’m really hoping to finish up the first draft of Tova Gallagher 2 this weekend, so I can get to editing my zombie book!  I can’t wait to get more of my writing out to you guys.  Be sure to check in tomorrow for the discussion of the next book in The Real Help Reading Project (it’s my favorite that we’ve read so far).

Tonight I’m doing yoga and hopefully seeing some friends.  Happy weekends all!