
Posts Tagged ‘secret santa’

Secret Santa 2011 #1

December 15, 2011 4 comments

My first secret santa swap package arrived, courtesy of Melissa of Gerbera Daisy Diaries! Yayyyyy!!  I’m not sure if it was via Book Blogger Holiday Swap or Broke and Bookish Secret Santa, since the package didn’t say, so that will remain a mystery for a bit!  Inside the envelope was a package wrapped in pretty blue wrapping paper and a red ribbon that I do not have a picture of because, well, patience is not a virtue I possess.  Here’s what was inside!

Books and postcards

From my wishlist The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston.  This made it to my wishlist thanks to a review by Amy for the Year of Feminist Classics project, and I’m super-excited to read it!  Melissa clearly paid attention to my tastes, because the other book, Red Scarf Girl, is a memoir by a woman who grew up during the Chinese Communist Cultural Revolution.  Nonfiction, women, China, Communism…’s perfect!  Melissa also included three bookmarks from the Arkansas public library system, as well as three postcards depicting art held by the Arkansas public library system.  Very cool!  The postcards will go up in my cubicle at the library where I work.

I enjoyed getting a package from a state I’ve never been to with representative art.  I’m more curious to pay a visit to Arkansas now!  Also, my Chinese culture collection on my TBR pile is much more fleshed-out now.  Thanks, Melissa!

Friday Fun! (Holiday Book Swap Time!)

November 18, 2011 4 comments

Hello my lovely readers!  Can you believe next week is Thanksgiving already?  Time flies!  I had a cold this week, so I only was healthy enough to make it to the gym once.  Sadness!  But I did track my calories to make sure this wouldn’t cause a slump, and I’m seeing my trainer tomorrow.

Santas holding boxes.I’m not a huge holiday person, but one of the things that I do enjoy is the various secret santa/book swap events that happen in the month of December for book bloggers.  I had a lovely time participating last year, so I was stoked to see the information go up.  In fact, I’m participating in two different ones this year.

First up is the one I did last year Book Blogger Holiday Swap.  Alas, the deadline for that one was November 11th, so it’s too late for any of you to sign up. But!  I already got my information for my swap partner.  I can’t wait to raid the used book cellar in Harvard and challenge myself to find awesome presents for her.

Santa peeking from behind tree.Next is a swap that Amy let me know about–A Broke and Bookish Secret Santa.  Apparently she participated last year and had a blast.  I visited Broke and Bookish’s blog and enjoyed it, so I signed up!  The deadline to sign up for this one is TODAY, so get on that ya’ll!

You guys don’t even know how excited I am to get not one but TWO packages of books in the mail this year!  There’s just something extra-nice about unwrapping books from a stranger who just so happens to be a fellow book lover.

Happy weekends all!